trained, licensed, certified and most of all caring
Holistic Wellness Experts
Our staff of professionals are there to assist you in rediscovering and reclaiming your very own, personal and unique Essential Balance so that you can have the healthiest, happiest, most productive life experience possible.

Hayden Sutherland
Hypnotherapist | Owner
Hayden Sutherland is an ACHE Certified Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and a Nationally Certified and Florida Licensed Massage Therapist with a Master certification in the Usui method of Reiki healing. Hayden believes that all chronic mental, physical and spiritual health problems are the result of imbalances in a person’s system. When a person is returned to his/her Essential Balance, mental, physical and spiritual health will return automatically. Hayden uses his innate and intuitive gifts along with his formal education and experience in the alternative and complimentary healing arts to bring improved health and happiness to his clients by assisting them in finding their own, unique Essential Balance.
If you are seeking a natural, drug-free solution to an issue that is negatively affecting your life or are simply looking for answers to questions in your life, please call for a free initial phone consultation with Hayden Sutherland CHt, at Essential Balance Holistic Wellness Center, LLC. He can be reached at (813) 928-9850.
We're Here To Help You Become A Better You!
Hypnosis, Life Coaching, Massage, Reiki & More!